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Quartix has a very helpful call centre staff who respond to queries quickly. Their tech support is efficient and knowledgeable.
Driver safety
Syncro Fire & Security provide bespoke fire and security solutions to commercial and industrial businesses throughout the UK. Their management team has extensive experience in the field, equating to more than 100 years in total.
For Syncro, security isn’t just about keeping their customers safe, but their employees, as well. To help them with this, they turned to Quartix in 2014, through the recommendation of Noble Fleet Services. It wasn’t too long before it became clear that their investment had been worthwhile.

Real-time vehicle tracking
“We had an incident where a member of staff had been involved in a no-fault collision,” says Sandra Long, Office Manager. “The engineer contacted the office to inform us that the person involved in the collision was being abusive and that he felt threatened.” With Quartix installed in their vehicles, “We were able to track the engineer whilst listening to the altercation on the phone.”
Although Quartix has a comprehensive suite of fleet management tools, real-time vehicle tracking is the core feature that defines the system. It gives customers the ability to pinpoint exactly where their vehicles and employees are, 24 hours a day. In an emergency, the value of this cannot be understated.
“We had an engineer whose vehicle had broken down on a country lane and he did not know where he was. We were able to track the vehicle and send out the breakdown service.”

User-friendly tracking
Currently, all 21 company vehicles have Quartix tracking installed and the benefits extend beyond staff safety. Syncro also uses real-time tracking to advise their customers of an engineer’s estimated time of arrival, just one of the ways that they’re committed to customer service.
Ms. Long points to increased efficiency, achieved with the Quartix system, having resulted in both time and monetary savings. “When materials are required at short notice, location maps are accessed by admin so that they can source the nearest supplier. Once stock is confirmed, the information is relayed to our engineer so that they can go directly to the supplier. This saves the engineers time and aids with productivity.”
The ease of the Quartix system, with its user-friendly website and wide-ranging variety of features, was what attracted Syncro, but their overall experience makes them want to stay.
“Quartix has a very helpful call centre staff who respond to queries quickly. Their tech support is efficient and knowledgeable. There’s also been good communication when ordering new trackers. Updated information is provided in a timely manner.”
“We are happy with the level of service which has been provided,” Ms. Long concludes. “The company is expanding and we will be looking at acquiring more vehicles, which we will track using Quartix.”