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A time-saving app to help with fleet safety compliance
Daily fleet inspections are an essential activity for commercial fleets and considered best practice for vehicle safety.
They are also essential for compliance with industry regulations such as DVIR checks for commercial fleets, in accordance with the FMCSA.
In addition, regular fleet inspections help you spot defects that could be dangerous and expensive, before an accident occurs. Ultimately, carrying out regular fleet checks saves you time and money, by enabling a fast response to any issues that arise.

Digital capture of vehicle safety inspections
Our app, Quartix Check, makes it easy for drivers to do vehicle checks. They can use either a default or custom vehicle checklist.
With a Quartix Check subscription, your drivers can download the app for free from the Apple and Google Play stores. It includes default templates, such as a daily van, car, or truck inspections. There is also a vehicle defect recording option, with photo upload capabilities. Your driver can record all the information needed with just a few clicks and swipes on their device.
Provide individual logins for your teams to synchronize their app submissions with the Fleet Tracking web application. Quartix Check eliminates the need for paper inspection sheets. It creates a digital audit trail and makes vehicle checks easy for drivers to complete.
Manage fleet safety compliance – whether a small or large fleet
Whether you have a small or a large fleet, Quartix Check enables you to ensure your fleet is safe and compliant. Quartix Check vehicle inspections are easy to access on a dashboard within your Fleet Tracking web application. You can easily keep track of your fleet’s vehicle inspections and incidents in one place.
Quartix Check simplifies fleet compliance management. You can use it to:
- View a report of passed and failed fleet inspections
- Search for specific inspections or date ranges to gain more insight
- Manage inspections for a growing number of vehicles without added paperwork
- Get customized inspection templates
- Manage inspections for a group of drivers
With an up-to-date list of reported defects and driver notes, you can anticipate the parts and workshop slots needed before the vehicle is returned. This will reduce potential fleet downtime.

Gain insights to reduce business risk and costs
Switching to a digital vehicle inspection system can create huge savings.
Reducing the time spent collecting and manually entering inspection information drastically improves efficiency. Daily inspection updates and requests can be dealt with quickly. Proactively improve the safety of your fleet and act on issues immediately with the seamless process that Quartix Check provides.
Preserve vehicle health and prevent issues from deteriorating, incurring maintenance costs, and posing avoidable risks. Quartix Check gives you detailed and easy-to-understand reports, so you can review the performance of your fleet and quickly identify areas for improvement. Insight into the overall condition of your vehicles, as reported by drivers, highlights trends that could indicate potential problems before they arise. With this information, you can make informed decisions to reduce risk and costs associated with unexpected downtime. Use the reporting feature to compare the inspection results of different vehicles and identify patterns specific to certain types of vehicles.
Evidence driver checks are done properly
The Quartix Check vehicle inspection system is designed to give you full confidence that every fleet vehicle inspection is completed thoroughly by your staff.
It records the exact time that each vehicle inspection began, as well as when it was completed. This helps to ensure that all inspections are carried out with accuracy and that no detail is overlooked.
The data is securely stored within the app and uploaded to the Fleet Tracking Dashboard as long as the driver’s device has signal. Retrieve and review the details at any time. Your inspection process becomes more efficient and you know that all your vehicles are properly inspected.

What kind of vehicle walk around checks are needed?
This will depend on the type of vehicle and whether the vehicle carries people or goods, the weight and nature of those goods. With the Quartix Check app , you can customize the types of checks required for your fleet.
The default list of vehicle checks cover:
- Windscreen
- Tires
- Horn
- Foot brake
- Hand brake
- Dashboard warning lights
- Wing mirrors
- Seatbelts
- Camera
Many additional fleet checks are included in the Quartix Check app, and these can be customized to suit the specific vehicle safety inspection needs of your fleet.
Drivers reporting incidents and accidents
In addition to the daily driver walk-around check, drivers can capture details in the event of an incident via the Quartix Check app.
Whether that involves a damaged wing mirror that happened while the vehicle was parked, a collision or other safety incidents, drivers can capture this by uploading a photo, with the time, location and description of the incident.
Drivers can also capture names and details of other drivers, if anyone else was involved.