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Got a question? We have the answers.
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Got a question? We have the answers.
How does GPS vehicle tracking work?
In most cases, vehicle tracking uses GPS devices securely installed within the vehicle to track its location over time. The data is sent to a central server which will often work in conjunction with a wider fleet management tool, allowing users to assess the data. Most tracking systems will also incorporate wider telematics data such as fuel use, journey times and driver behavior, which can help businesses manage their vehicles more effectively.
What is vehicle tracking?
Vehicle tracking is the process of monitoring the location of a vehicle using a GPS tracking device. Most vehicle tracking solutions will integrate into a wider vehicle tracking system which incorporates key data such as vehicle idling time, mileage and driving speeds.
What are the benefits of vehicle tracking for drivers?
Vehicle tracking can help drivers improve their skills, protect them from false claims and keep them safe on the roads.
Is vehicle tracking legal?
Vehicle tracking laws in the US vary depending on who owns the vehicle and how the tracker is used. If you are tracking a fleet of vehicles or company cars, then you must make sure you are following the Data Protection Act law.
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