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Supporting our customers is vital to the service we provide at Quartix vehicle tracking. This is true from the point of sale through to the installation process and subsequent after-sales technical support.
We know that providing quality support to our customers will stand us in good stead when contract renewal time comes around. Indeed, we still have customers actively using the vehicle tracking system who signed up with us back in 2002; and over 40% of our business is gained through repeat orders from existing customers.
The aim of my support team is to help our customers with any general system query or technical issue they may have. These could involve changes to the system that they require to optimise their workflow, or questions relating to a system report.
While the customer can change a number of settings via the configuration section on the website using their administrator account, we can also make the changes – as well as initiate additional ones. All they need to do is email us with full details of the request.
This allows us to create an audit trail for both the customer and us to ensure the request has been made correctly. To make this possible, we have created a number of in-house tools to easily communicate with the unit and analyse the data recorded by the unit.
Against our total install base, the number of support issues that we have open (on average) is around 0.04%. Of course, we will do everything we can to offer the highest level of support to our customer regardless of that figure.
The Quartix support team can be contacted via phone on 08700 013 663 or email at [email protected] – they will be more than happy to help

“I use the Quartix system on a daily basis in my role and have always found their support team to be very approachable, helpful and willing to assist. I have every confidence in the Quartix support setup, which is reassuring to me and important to our business.”
Kevin Mulligan, Transport Manager at Berendsen UK Ltd (Durham)
Ian Pawley has nearly twenty years’ experience in customer and technical support, eleven of which are with Quartix. He manages a team of nine dedicated customer support professionals, who look after 6,300 customers in the UK, France and USA.